Saturday, August 22, 2020

Epekto Ng Makabagong Teknolohiya free essay sample

Article l: Scope and Limitations Section 1. The Philippine Constitution gives that all instructive establishment will offer quality training for every single equipped instructor. Focused on its full acknowledgment, the arrangement of this Code will apply, along these lines, to all educators in schools in the Philippines. Article II: The Teacher and the State Section 1 . The schools are the nurseries of things to come residents of the express; every instructor is a trustee of the social and instructive legacy of the country and is under commitment to transmit to students such legacy just as to raise national orality, advance national pride, develop love of nation, impart loyalty to the constitution and for all properly comprised specialists, and elevate submission to the laws of the state. Area 2. Each educator or school official will effectively help complete the proclaimed strategies of the state, and will make a vow with this impact. Segment 3. In light of a legitimate concern for the State and of the Filipino individuals as much as of his own, each educator will be genuinely, intellectually and ethically fit. We will compose a custom paper test on Epekto Ng Makabagong Teknolohiya or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Area 4. Each instructor will have and complete a full responsibility and commitment to obligation. Segment 5. An educator will not take part in the advancement of any political, strict, or other divided premium, and will not, legitimately or in a roundabout way, request, require, gather, or get any cash or administration or other important material from any individual or element for such purposes. Area 6. Each instructor will cast a ballot and will practice all other established rights and obligation. Segment 7. An instructor will not utilize his position or authority or impact to pressure some other individual to follow any political strategy. Area 8. Each instructor will appreciate scholastic opportunity and will have benefit of xpounding the result of his examines and examinations; gave that, if the outcomes are unfriendly to the pronounced arrangements of the State, they will be brought to the best possible experts for fitting therapeutic activity. Article Ill: The Teacher and the Community Section 1. An instructor is a facilitator of learning and of the advancement of the adolescent; he will, subsequently, render the best help by giving a situation helpful for such learning and development. in network developments for good, social, instructive, monetary and community advancement. Segment 3. Each instructor will justify sensible social acknowledgment for which reason e will act with respect and poise consistently and forgo such exercises as betting, smoking, intoxication, and different abundances, considerably less illegal relations. Area 4. Each educator will live for and with the network and will, in this manner, consider and comprehend nearby traditions and customs so as to have thoughtful demeanor, along these lines, avoid vilifying the network. Area 5. Each educator will enable the school to keep the individuals in the network educated about the schools work and achievements just as its needs and issues. Area

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